Summer Collection

sunflower road,now gone, but beautiful while here

shaved ice tongue:)

kuwagata/stag beetles galore Kenji and the boys went hunting with their uncle, we let them all go after a few weeks...

we've had lots of visitors this summer, here are Ray and Elizabeth, the boys enjoyed their company for a few days

Menno Village overnight camping trip to the beach-Orie-san and Toshi preparing our veggies to grill for supper

getting wet, ecstatic kids!

grilling burgers

lucas and Sayumi(summer help)

Sayumi and Lucas playing cards with Koko and Orie-san

Lucas loves the "moving ocean" as he calls it in Japanese

Kai collecting shells

Sage and Kazu trying to show me fish in the bag

inside the bag, there is some kind of magical reflecting effect here I can't figure out no matter how much I look at the picture! oops it was a hermit crab not a fish!

the meager catch:)

Toshi and Lucas drawing "wash-off" pictures in the sand, they were at it for a long time

Sage dancing in his second festival this summer

that's him-front right

getting tomatoes ready to can over summer break with Akiko and Kazu, Yohei and Ken-everyone had a job, Ken and Kai are washing the tomatoes, Sage is tending the fire-very proudly to be sure!

this is about a month ago, corn, and a type of flowering pole bean behind

there was a day when all the kids carried sunflowers around for some reason!

Kai and Rita too

another view, the flowers are thanks to Orie-san who has a dream to have a flower farm/shop someday

transplanting greens with daddy and Toshi

all of us from the village attended an event Toshi performed in, she does an okinawan traditional dance called eisa. that's her on the left with the big drum

playing in the fountain at the same event, waiting for Toshi's group

riding the subway in Sapporo

lunchtime at the Plum House, the community gathering house

this time kabuto/rhinoceros beetles the boys hatched from the grub stage(they were given to them on children's day in May and took several months to hatch). We have two males and a female so we may have babies eventually!