Kai is 5!
Can you believe it, Kai is 5 years old! It's hard to imagine that time has gone by so fast. He's quite the energetic kid, loves to play with his friends. Loves to hear books read, loves us to be close, loves superheroes:, loves rockets, spaceships, jets, all that kind of stuff, and loves to look at all of our pics and videos on the computer, as well as anything else he likes that he's figured out how to find on there(ever heard of rocket racers?), as long as we'll let him! He likes to build things with just about anything, especially legoes and K'nex, and usually talks about how something he made is the "strongest", the "coolest" etc. He's had a tough year health-wise with asthma and pneumonia and colds, allergies etc. This intensified his need to have all of us close I think, he is the one that makes sure noone lags behind when we are out. He doesn't express things he feels with words as much as his older brother, choosing to be more physical in acting them out probably! He still has a very ornery grin! He has a good deductive head on his shoulders, surprising us with the conclusions he comes to, or the things he's learned from observing without asking any questions, he takes after his dad in that sense! He's a really good helper when he gets into it, he works hard and sticks with it. He's very interested in the new baby, although seemed to work through some fears about it being safe and being okay. He is a champion at getting dirty in seconds-from head to toe, did I mention that before?:)He's good at climbing trees, catching frogs and holding scary looking bugs too...did you know these were skills?? Sage asks him to pick their bugs up sometimes, he knows his limits!
Somehow his birthday seemed like a really long day, not in a bad sense this time, but in a one-party-after-another sense. Even Sage said, this day was so long, and so fun! Very exciting for Kai, the "best birthday I've had in my whole life" he said. We first had a picnic lunch at a local park with all the kids that either live or come to the farm often, and a few cousins who live close. They were all really good and had a great time together. We ate ice cream after lunch, Kai's favorite food-vanilla that would be! Then after returning home and playing all afternoon outside, all who were at the farm that evening ate together and we had brownies and candles to blow out. Then the boys did a few fireworks and then, getting ready for bed were surprised by aunt Sayoko and Uncle Shunsuke and cousins Nanami and Hikari. They drove up with their lights off and set off a bunch of pretty big, but silent, fireworks outside the bedroom window, and then came in with a half a melon with candles on it! Then Uncle Shunsuke had to stay and help Kai put together one of his presents, he's a really fun uncle and Aunt Sayoko had to drag him away when his kids got sleepy:)...Kai went to sleep satisfied and with a smile on his face, he has alot of people who love him!
Somehow his birthday seemed like a really long day, not in a bad sense this time, but in a one-party-after-another sense. Even Sage said, this day was so long, and so fun! Very exciting for Kai, the "best birthday I've had in my whole life" he said. We first had a picnic lunch at a local park with all the kids that either live or come to the farm often, and a few cousins who live close. They were all really good and had a great time together. We ate ice cream after lunch, Kai's favorite food-vanilla that would be! Then after returning home and playing all afternoon outside, all who were at the farm that evening ate together and we had brownies and candles to blow out. Then the boys did a few fireworks and then, getting ready for bed were surprised by aunt Sayoko and Uncle Shunsuke and cousins Nanami and Hikari. They drove up with their lights off and set off a bunch of pretty big, but silent, fireworks outside the bedroom window, and then came in with a half a melon with candles on it! Then Uncle Shunsuke had to stay and help Kai put together one of his presents, he's a really fun uncle and Aunt Sayoko had to drag him away when his kids got sleepy:)...Kai went to sleep satisfied and with a smile on his face, he has alot of people who love him!
aww, i hate to miss out being there!
and what a great Bday he had!
michelle, at 6:06 PM
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