from one creative process to the next

And this is what I've been doing in the last few of my friends told me that the energy and motivation for doing creative things is temporarily diverted in pregnancy-to the work of creating another work of art. We are expecting our fourth child, due Sept. 25th. So if you were wondering if I'd ever be back,I'm dusting off the keyboard now! Into my 15th week, the "big stuff" is done, and now that "the details" are being meticulously sculpted and less of my energy is needed, I can focus more on details instead of just the big stuff too! This is our first baby picture(for those of you unfamiliar with ultrasounds, the baby is looking down, head to the left, backbone, etc:)...after my Dr's visit last week. It confirmed my due date and gave us a dose of reality, not just my symptoms to prove it anymore, there's really a little life in there, kicking and swimming, we love you already little one. Life is amazing isn't it?!
i love you i love you i love you! here's my hug {{you and little one}} - she is amazing and beautiful, and Psalm 139 came to mind....congratulation!
michelle, at 2:30 AM
Hey Michelle - was that "she" prophetic - do you know something we don't????? :)
Anonymous, at 10:35 PM
yes really Michelle.....:)
Unknown, at 11:16 PM
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