First day of second grade and first lost tooth

It had been a long time in coming, wiggly and then tight, for months! He takes after his mom, losing his teeth late, but for all the waiting, when it decided to come out it was ready! It started bleeding at breakfast and when I thought he would never quit playing with it to eat his breakfast, he leaned over to drink some tea and plink! it fell in his cup! And on the first day of second grade to boot!
That was April 6th by the way and second grade is starting off well. We were all sad to learn that his beloved 1st grade teacher would be transferred to a new school instead of being his teacher again. But, God knows best, right? We were truly blessed to have such a wonderful teacher, and Sage truly loved him, he spent much time writing a thank you note in Japanese and English "homework":) for him when he left, and the teacher told Kenji later he cried over them. And much to our surprise, he was transferred to the next town's school to teach Orie-san's little girl who started first grade and is Sage's best buddy! It was a year of learning for all, we all, the school, mom and dad and Sage were worried at the outset, but God is good and He created children to learn, learn, learn, and adapt, and it was a wonderful experience, with its bumps and worries of course. Sage had only one teacher he didn't want to be his teacher in the school, the only one he struggled with last year, and as God would have it, that's his teacher! We all just had to laugh when he came home and told us the first day of school, even Sage. Not what WE would have planned, but she is a good teacher, and Sage being adjusted well to school life, he will do fine I believe. Not to go into details about his differences with her, but she is very nitpicky with details lets just say! So I've pointed out the great chance this will be for him to LEARN to be disciplined, oh kids just love a parent's perspective! So..I also added that maybe he could think of it like a board game, forgot that detail, hmmmmm, go back 5 spaces, and sit out this turn in the toilet and Don't let it happen again! He had a good laugh at that, he likes board games, hopefully he can keep a good perspective this year! He has really grown up since last year, I realized, when I attended his class for parent's visiting day. His whole class sat quietly and attentively during the 45 min. and I didn't see much squirming and no silliness or peeking at parents like last year the same time. Of course, it could be that this teacher just doesn't tolerate such things and the kids are quite aware of it! Not a bad thing.
Well, it was hard to say goodbye to his 1st grade teacher and the wonderful mothering school nurse who touched my belly when she was saying goodbye and said, keep having beautiful babies...(what???are you serious, did I just hear what I thought I heard?? I just might cry a bit here, I mean do you know this will be our fourth! but yes, you must, they're all right here with me! from a Japanese woman no less-and just when I needed confirmation that being a multipara plus three does not solely cause shock and wonderment ie: were they "really planning this one" or "still trying for that girl, huh!", or other less appropriate comments, well wait, that was in the States with the others,hee, hee! Yep, folks, being parents is tough, absolutely nothing in my life has been tougher, I'm right there with ya, and we have never been called sane, but just when I was thinking that very thought the other day I remembered, "children are a gift from God" and if what God says is true, we are soon to be some very gifted parents! by the way, that was a slight exaggeration and oversensitivity on my part, truly thank you to all of my lovely family and friends on both sides of the world who welcomed our announcement with sincere congrats and love....), whew, long slightly, well way off topic, aside to the side, where was I?? oh, yeah, despite the sadness, including Sage's sadness and regret to see the 6th graders go on to middle school(it's such a small school and everyone knows and interacts with each other)-it was a good time to remember the blessings we received and the answers to many prayers. I cried just thinking of our concerns last year and how our prayers have been answered. Thanks to all of you who prayed for Sage and all of us in the adjustments. You can keep praying by the way....:)

Well, you do make beautiful babies!
Anonymous, at 8:39 AM
You are so kind, however, I wonder at your comment considering the picture on this post, ha!
Unknown, at 10:18 AM
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