Our family adventure-organic farming in Japan

Sunday, May 07, 2006

May flowers


Today was Sunday and our turn to take care of the farm. The kids all spent most of the day at Orie-san's for Coco's 7th birthday party. Kenji and I were able to go eat Ramen together for lunch and then take a walk in the woods, among watering and other farm chores. It was a beautiful and very warm day.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Happy Children's Day!

Today (well, it's tomorrow now, eeek, it's late!)was Children's Day in Japan, usually this means Koinobori, or the flying fish windsocks everywhere. This year we didn't have them up at the farm, but I thought I'd post some kid pics to celebrate! Sage is at his Grandma and Grandpa's with some of his cousins during his school vacation for a half week, but we played "Mousetrap", the boys' favorite family game with Lucas and Kai tonight and had a special dessert and treat after supper.

Happy 3rd Birthday to cousin Nanami. Nanami and Hikari(5 yrs old)cousins just moved less than 10 min. away. We celebrated Nanami's birthday with Jiji and Baba and Nanami's family a few weeks ago. Too much cousin fun to be sure!

Random pictures

These are just some pics that I never posted I thought you might enjoy....sorry they are from over the last month or so and really rather...random!

These are Easter eggs, duck eggs from the farm that we blew out and made omelets with.(please note the drill, no messing with pins and chopsticks this year!) The boys had lots of fun decorating them, although we had many with the tie-dyed effect!

This is the boys cutting spinach from the greenhouse attached to our house, it was yummy and sweet and even they liked it!

We went to the local sake(japanese rice wine) company's festival last month, beautiful old brick buildings and some great traditional drumming, which the boys were transfixed by...there were many sake samples and many vendors selling festival food and games to play. Lucas had his first sample of cotton candy here and didn't know what to think of it! That's a big sake drum the guys are standing in.