Snow, snow, snow!

So you've all been hearing that Japan is getting lots of snow this year, right? Well, although the stories you've probably heard are mainly from the northwestern main island where it's warmer and the snow is wetter and very heavy which means the increased snowfall is causing more accidents...people around here are now saying that this is the most snow they've seen at once here too. So I'll send you a few photos, although nothing spectacular photo-wise, maybe you can see how much snow we have!

The snowblower is running everyday and the rest of the time is spent getting snow off the top of greenhouses, off the roofs,etc. Snow removal is a full time job right now! It's hard to show you how deep the snow is because of the snowblower and drifting, but even in the field behind our house it's up to the bend in the greenhouse frame which means it's chest high. The snow is dry and powdery here, fluffy, until it melts some and gets crunchy.
Quite a shock for a Missouri snow-blink and it's gone-girl! Although Kenji grew up in Hokkaido it's more snow than he ever saw where he grew up too. And the boys, especially Sage, are loving it of course! Sage is doing what I always dreamed of doing as a kid(I'm not just saying that, I really did dream of it!), digging tunnels and caves in the snow drifts. Kai and Lucas had fun going out with me this morning, as it was sunny and not bitterly cold. Toshi threw them into the snow banks much to their ear-to-ear grinning delight. It's been very cold lately, so it was nice to be out in the sunshine today and for the boys to get out. The younger two are still in the rolling around stage, so when their faces get wet they get cold soon. Sage will be taking a few ski lessons in school this winter, today they practiced putting everything on and walking in their boots and skis.
Well, someday Kenji will probably take some really pretty pictures of all the snow, he already has some nice ones on there, so check out his blog...get there by looking under profile on this blog.