Summer pics, varied and sundry! Raspberries are beautiful fruit

Sage's morning glory that he brought home from school with him for summer break, unfortunately it hasn't flowered yet and doesn't look as good as it does here

The Snake! there is a story here I have not time to tell...Kenji found this snake around the chicken house and brought it over to the boys, they were very fascinated with it and it seemed rather friendly actually.Kai said it's so soft mom, we HAVE to send this to grandma so she can feel how soft it is???

It turned into Sage's pet in his mind and it was a heartwrenching drama for him to let it go that night..

See what I mean?

It was about the same length as Sage

A living "boa" hee hee

bee's nest, maybe a killer bee nest

Harvesting tomatoes

Helping buttering toast

Stag beetle-found!

Everyone loves it

Festival in Naganuma, kind of a memorial festival for dead relatives? That weekend, everyone goes home to their hometown and cleans and decorates the graves. Each area has it's own dance for a traditional song. THis town has a costume contest and whoever dances gets a free raffle ticket for all kinds of gifts they draw for at the end, so all of Menno Village was in the dance, it is very simple. We had a good time and we won some boxes of canned tea and juice etc

Our kids loved the funny costumes and the older men in this group really teased the kids alot, Lucas didn't know what to think!

Koko did not like the costumes however! (Orie-san's daughter)

They are not real okay!

A very old man who entered the costume dance and won a participation prize. Toshi holding Kai

Orie-san and kids Koko and Rita-kun(boy)

Akiko and Kazu listening for their numbers to see if they won anything, they gave away hundreds of prizes

Kai is holding the cup with his number on it

Sage's morning glory that he brought home from school with him for summer break, unfortunately it hasn't flowered yet and doesn't look as good as it does here

The Snake! there is a story here I have not time to tell...Kenji found this snake around the chicken house and brought it over to the boys, they were very fascinated with it and it seemed rather friendly actually.Kai said it's so soft mom, we HAVE to send this to grandma so she can feel how soft it is???

It turned into Sage's pet in his mind and it was a heartwrenching drama for him to let it go that night..

See what I mean?

It was about the same length as Sage

A living "boa" hee hee

bee's nest, maybe a killer bee nest

Harvesting tomatoes

Helping buttering toast

Stag beetle-found!

Everyone loves it

Festival in Naganuma, kind of a memorial festival for dead relatives? That weekend, everyone goes home to their hometown and cleans and decorates the graves. Each area has it's own dance for a traditional song. THis town has a costume contest and whoever dances gets a free raffle ticket for all kinds of gifts they draw for at the end, so all of Menno Village was in the dance, it is very simple. We had a good time and we won some boxes of canned tea and juice etc

Our kids loved the funny costumes and the older men in this group really teased the kids alot, Lucas didn't know what to think!

Koko did not like the costumes however! (Orie-san's daughter)

They are not real okay!

A very old man who entered the costume dance and won a participation prize. Toshi holding Kai

Orie-san and kids Koko and Rita-kun(boy)

Akiko and Kazu listening for their numbers to see if they won anything, they gave away hundreds of prizes

Kai is holding the cup with his number on it