Lucas caring for his babies, nok-nok)the sound the duck makes, right?!) , he carried them in the basket, true boy style, if they don't fit, shove 'em in! and then put them to bed.

Lucas and Kai, playing sleepover

the boys wearing the Japanese clothes Jiji brought, Jiji in the background

Kai and his castle, for Grandma, (have you sent it to her yet, mom?)

Sage and his teacher, Oorui-sensei

Picking cherries for a school outing with Sage

Cherry-pit spitting contest

climbing the ladders, cool, Sage has adopted the Japanese penchant for the peace sign in pictures, grrr...:)

THe picnic after picking cherries, Sage's friend Atomu ate with us

Lucas eating chocolate chip cookies for dessert

Sage and Kai delivering veggies with Daddy for Menno Village

Kai handing the veggies, it's heavy!

Lucas and Kai, playing sleepover

the boys wearing the Japanese clothes Jiji brought, Jiji in the background

Kai and his castle, for Grandma, (have you sent it to her yet, mom?)

Sage and his teacher, Oorui-sensei

Picking cherries for a school outing with Sage

Cherry-pit spitting contest

climbing the ladders, cool, Sage has adopted the Japanese penchant for the peace sign in pictures, grrr...:)

THe picnic after picking cherries, Sage's friend Atomu ate with us

Lucas eating chocolate chip cookies for dessert

Sage and Kai delivering veggies with Daddy for Menno Village

Kai handing the veggies, it's heavy!

you are looking good Heather;-)
i miss being around your boys...
michelle, at 6:32 AM
Great pictures! Great castle, Kai!
Soon we need a tour of your house, Heather.
Anonymous, at 8:00 AM
adorable pics. They boys look so different already - did Kai get a buzz cut like Sage? ;-) miss you! Robin
Anonymous, at 6:21 AM
thanks for more pictures! and you're actually in a few of them heather! :) i can't believe how big kai looks with his hair short - you're right it needs to be long again! he looks way to old to be kai. talk to you soon. miss you guys! aunt nici
Anonymous, at 10:26 PM
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